Beautiful pics of Estella Warren and Vera Farmiga feet & legs

Estella was an avid synchronized swimming competitor in Canada at ages 7 to 17. Her departure from her home at the age of 12 to compete for the Canadian National Team. In the year 2003 she won the Canadian National Champion and also competed for Canada in the World Aquatic Championship where she finished the 2nd position. She was so enthralled by a talent scout during a fashion show for high school students show that he took a Polaroid and sent it to an New York City modelling agency. When she signed a contract nearly immediately, she was featured in "Sports Illustrated", Vogue, "Vanity Fair" along with two Chanel #5 commercials on television that were all produced by Luc Besson. She made the decision to move to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career. She's appeared in films with such actors as Sylvester Stallone. When she got married to musician Renn Swan Hawkey, in 2008 the couple had two children with each other, Fynn and Gytta Lubov. in 2009) and daughter Gytta Lubov Hawkey (b. 2010). Farmiga with her family lives at Hudson Valley, New York. Renn's friend Allen Hughes introduced her to Deadsy music Renn was on The Touching Evil set. Farmiga became pregnant five months prior to their wedding. Vera Farmiga's net worth is $10 million. Vera Farmiga has an estimated Net worth of $10 million. She is an American actor, director and producer.

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